
黙然日記さんの記事:産経記者、美談を仕立てる。 - 黙然日記(廃墟)で、コンゴにおける国連平和維持部隊による現地女性への性的虐待の話が載っていたんで、ちょっと調べたらかなり深刻な話がみつかった。

In both missions peacekeepers use imbalance of power and have had sex with minors or adults for bizarre amount of money or in exchange for food or other goods. Cases of rape by peacekeepers in Bosnia and Herzegovina were not transparent and particularly known while in DRC they are wide spread. Sharp distinction in welfare between host population and peacekeepers drives opportunity to exercise power and authority over vulnerable population. However, in Bosnia and Herzegovina despite few cases where peacekeepers were sexually abused local minors, the main target were foreign women, victims of trafficking. This is another distinction between MONUC where sexual abuse involves peacekeepers and local girls/women/children while UNMBIH peacekeepers were mainly involved in sexual abuse of alien women. Brothels in Bosnia and Herzegovina were established close to military bases with predominantly women from Romania, Ukraine and Moldova. Having had limited freedom of movement and lots of spare time might be a reason for turning to the nearest brothels and night bars crowded with foreign women. Nonetheless, even the cases, which were actually rumors of a sexual abuse of Bosnia and Herzegovina minors, had as a spot places those just outside the fence of military bases. The stories that had been circling among local population were about local girls mainly from high schools performing oral sex for 5-10 euros in the front of military bases even (some said) through a fence wire.

It is difficult to confirm that girls had performed sex for survival in Bosnia and Herzegovina or some other reasons were behind it. However, it is well known that women who were performing sex activities with peacekeepers, with exception of trafficked women , were driven by poverty and lack of alternative ways to secure basic human needs for them and their family.




