
Republicans wage war on immigrants in constitution citizenship challenge - Telegraph

They argue that the 14th amendment, which was enacted in 1868, is being exploited by illegal immigrants as well as wealthy people who want to use their children to "anchor" themselves to the US.


中心になっているのがマケイン氏など比較的穏健な保守派。中間選挙を控えて、移民に反感をもつ層を取り込もうとしてるんだって。特にグラハム上院議員の発言はかなりひどい。E.J. Dionne Jr. - Is the GOP shedding a birthright?

"People come here to have babies," said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). "They come here to drop a child. It's called, 'drop and leave.' To have a child in America, they cross the border, they go to the emergency room, have a child, and that child's automatically an American citizen. That shouldn't be the case. That attracts people here for all the wrong reasons."



Nothing should make Republicans prouder than their party's role in passing what are known as the Civil War or Reconstruction amendments: the 13th, ending slavery; the 14th, guaranteeing equal protection under the law and establishing national standards for citizenship; and the 15th, protecting the right to vote. In those days, Democrats were the racial demagogues.

Opponents of the 14th Amendment used racist arguments against immigrants to try to kill it, even though there were virtually no immigration restrictions back then. President Andrew Johnson played the card aggressively, as University of Baltimore law professor Garrett Epps reported in his 2006 book on the 14th Amendment, "Democracy Reborn."

"This provision comprehends the Chinese of the Pacific States, Indians subject to taxation, the people called Gipsies, as well as the entire race designated as blacks, people of color, negroes, mulattoes, and persons of African blood," Johnson declared. "Is it sound policy to make our entire colored population and all other excepted classes citizens of the United States?"

こっちの論説はもっと過激に批判しているぞ:Attitude toward 'anchor babies' pulls anti-immigration crowd down to a new low: Connie Schultz - cleveland.com

Conservative, self-declared patriots insist that carrying a pregnancy to term is a woman's God-given obligation, but then attempt to defile an entire population of innocent newborns as tools of trickery.

Deport these newborns! they say. Banish these babies!

What God are these people praying to? What version of Jesus have they conjured up to demonize innocent children?

No one chooses to be born in America.

But everyone who is has the constitutional right to call this country home.

