

WALLACE: Let me ask you about — speaking of other sons, the president has been quite open in saying that he would like to see his brother Jeb run for the Senate from Florida. What do you think of that idea?

G.H.W. BUSH: I think if Jeb wants to run for the Senate from Florida, he ought to do it. And he'd be an outstanding senator. Here's a guy that really has a feel for people, the issues in Florida and nationally, and his political days ought not to be over, says his old father.
Now, if he decides they should be over, I'm all for that, too. He's — need to make a living, support his wife and family, and — but he's a good man, Chris. He's a very good, strong man.

WALLACE: So in terms — I understand you're saying it's up to him, but in terms of public service and ability to help the country, you'd like to see him run.

G.H.W. BUSH: I'd like to see him run. I'd like to see him be president some day.

WALLACE: Really?

G.H.W. BUSH: Or maybe senator. Whatever. Yes, I would. I mean, right now is probably a bad time, because we've had enough Bushes in there. But no, I would. And I think he's as qualified and able as anyone I know on the political scene. Now, you've got to discount that. He's my son. He's my son that I love.

WALLACE: Would you really want, after all you've gone through yourself and your son, to have another son go through the White...

G.H.W. BUSH: Absolutely. Absolutely. It's a question of — it's about service, service to the greatest country on the face of the earth, and the honor that goes with it, but not just to be president, to be something, but to earn it and to do something that makes you worthy. And I think — I think Jeb fits that description

W: 他の息子さんのことですが、現大統領はジェブさんがフロリダ州上院議員に立候補することを歓迎すると発言しています。どう思われますか?
