
に思わずかつての日本の姿を見る思いがする。これはあくまでワタスの想像なんですが、東アジア一帯にみられるこういうえげつないところって、ひょっとして先の大戦で日本がひろめてきた遺産なのかも。たとえば、今のミャンマー軍事政権の幹部はかつて日本軍と戦ったことがあって、日本のやり方をじっくり研究する機会があったんだ、ってJapan Timesかなんかで読んだことあったな。

The Times & The Sunday Times

While the rest of the world recoiled in horror at recent events in Guinea, where at least 150 pro-democracy supporters were killed and dozens of women publicly raped by government soldiers, China has sensed an opportunity to steal another march on Western competitors in Africa.

China is preparing to throw the junta in Guinea a lifeline in the form of a multibillion-pound oil and mineral deal, financed largely by soft loans. Such policies have already served China well with rogue and discredited regimes from Angola to Sudan. The move comes as the European Union, spurred on by France, the former colonial power, and the African Union are considering sanctions against Guinea if its young military leader, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, continues to renege on a deal to stand down in favour of free elections.
China’s policy of not linking trade, aid and investment to political reform or human rights issues has paid huge dividends so far. In less than a decade it has created a footprint across the entire continent and secured a willing provider of much needed raw materials to power its economic growth.

There is now barely a country on the continent that does not have a sizeable Chinese presence. Copper-rich Zambia and the Congolese province of Katanga now boast the fastest-growing Chinatowns in the world. Sudan, for years out of bounds to Western companies because of its links to terrorism, now pumps 600,000 barrels of oil a day from its Red Sea port into Chinese ships. In return it received weapons that it used against rebellious black Africans in Darfur.


たとえば、昔日本は南アフリカでの鉱物資源が目当てでアパルトヘイト反対に熱心でなかったり。The Dynamics of Japan's Relations with Africa: South Africa, Tanzania and Nigeria by Kweku Ampiah, 1997 | Online Research Library: Questia

