
The Timesのコラムの内容に非常に説得力を感じたので、ご紹介。近頃ネットでもリアルでもお目にかかる、「行き過ぎた外国人嫌い」にはほとほと嫌気がさしてるんでね。先日、英国ではインドから来た不法移民の男性が、2人の若者に襲われている女性を助けに入って、反対に刺されて死亡する事件があったんだ。

The Times & The Sunday Times

I’d like to think that this would not have changed the generous and emotional response to his story. But I suspect it would have, given The Mail on Sunday and the Express position on immigration (sample headline: “Any amnesty for illegal migrants is simply surrender”), and given that illegal immigrants are among the groups that the Conservative Party blames for breaking Britain (“Only when we have a border police force will we be able to start making Britain safer,” says the party in an online statement).

This revelation, though, if anything, makes Singh’s story even more pertinent and poignant because it illustrates a very important policy point. Namely, that Boris Johnson, the London Mayor, is right in arguing that the best way of dealing with illegal immigration is to give long-term illegal migrants — those who’ve been here for five years, don’t have a criminal record and can economically support themselves — an amnesty.

亡くなった男性についてのこの事実が明らかであったとしたら、この事件に対する同情に満ちた反応が変わっていたとは考えたくない。しかしThe MailやExpress紙の移民に対する態度(不法移民を見逃すことは降服することだとの見出し)や保守党が英国を壊した犯人と名指しするのを見る限り、そうはいかなかったろうと思う。しかしこの事実は、大変重要な政治的意味を有するということで、彼の話を際立たせるものとなっている。ロンドン市長ボリス・ジョンソン氏が言ったように、不法移民への一番の対処法は、5年以上滞在歴があり、犯罪歴がなく、経済的に自立している者にかぎって、特赦を与えることについて議論する余地があるということだ。


3. Long-term illegal immigrants, if embraced, would make a positive economic contribution. Those who have entered Britain by illicit means are often portrayed as parasites, a viewpoint epitomised by the pressure group Migration Watch’s claim that an amnesty for illegal immigrants would cost taxpayers £130 billion over 35 years, or nearly £5,600 for every household. But, in contrast, a London School of Economics report commissioned by Johnson found that an amnesty would add £3 billion a year to our GDP and generate annual tax revenues of almost £850 million, an argument supported by common sense — why would people come all this way and then not work? — and by Singh’s example. His boss evidently regarded him as the best concrete finisher in the firm. He was “always the first to arrive and the last to leave”, and he earned £2,000 a month, half of which he sent home. As it happens, his employers have said that he provided a National Insurance number and a tax reference number, which meant that tax was deducted at source. Most illegal immigrants don’t pay tax, which seems a daft thing to allow given this country’s precarious finances. An amnesty would lead to an immediate and significant increase in tax revenues.

4. Long-term illegal immigrants, if embraced, could be good British citizens. Those against an amnesty would have us believe that it would lead to the moral collapse of our society, but as several newspapers have pointed out, Singh worked hard to provide for his family, when he was not on the job he dedicated his time to community work at his local temple, and when he saw a British citizen in distress he went to help. He paid the ultimate sacrifice and in doing so he proved that, given the chance, he could have made a great Briton. And so could lots of others like him.



昔書いた記事もよかったらどーぞ。2009-05-15 - おこじょの日記