
Once-banned Japanese story told powerfully onscreen - Reuters

Significantly politicizing and humanizing Edogawa Rampo's 1929 horror-fantasy short story of entomological sexual instinct (banned from reprinting in 1939), his focus is on war's impact on the civilian psyche and the hypocrisy of "patriotic duty," expressed through a woman's sadomasochistic relationship with her husband after he is horribly maimed in battle. The original setting of the Russo-Japanese War, from which Japan emerged victorious, is transposed to WWII, which ended in defeat.

In the late 1930s, Lt. Kyuzo Kurokawa (Shima Onishi) returns from the China front limbless, deaf, scarred by burns and gloriously decorated as a "War God." His relatives think he's a burden but hypocritically admonish his wife, Shigeko (Shinobu Terajima), to care for him. Kurokawa soon tires Shigeko out with his insatiable sexual demands, but her only way of punishing him is by carting him in his uniform around the hamlet like an exhibit, to invite praise for being a "role model for Japanese wives."

Kurokawa's initial consolation in seeing his medals and reading the news about his heroism is gradually replaced by neurosis caused by flashbacks of his crimes. Shigeko, who was physically abused before he was drafted, starts to get even in bed. In Edogawa's story, Kurokawa was injured in combat, but Wakamatsu's inference that he was hurt accidentally after his rape further debunks the heroic image of soldiers.

