
米国のブッシュ前大統領がDecision Pointsつう回顧録を出したそうだ。これについて、ガーディアン紙がインタビュー載せてるんだが、自分が多くの人命を奪った当事者という意識ゼロみたいで、すっかり萎える。
George Bush's memoirs reveal how he considered attacks on Iran and Syria | US news | The Guardian

The book, which is published in the US tomorrow, seeks to rebuild Bush's reputation, giving his side of the story on the most controversial issues of his presidency, which include Iraq, Afghanistan, hurricane Katrina, the Wall Street meltdown and torture at Guantánamo.

Bush justifies the use of waterboarding in his book, saying that the controversial interrogation technique used on three detainees helped break up terrorist plots to attack Heathrow airport, Canary Wharf, US diplomatic missions and a number of targets in the US. He writes: "Whatever the verdict on my presidency, I'm comfortable with the fact that I won't be around to hear it. That's a decision point only history will reach."

In the memoirs Bush:

• Describes Tony Blair as his closest foreign ally.

• Admits mistakes over Iraq, but regards it as the right thing to have done.

• Defends the Guantánamo Bay detention centre and the use of torture.

• Accepts he took "too long" to make decisions over the disaster that engulfed New Orleans after it was struck by hurricane Katrina five years ago, killing more than 1,800 people, but says the blame lies with other people.

In a book largely lacking in personal insight, Bush says he is most angry at accusations that he was indifferent to the plight of the victims of Katrina because so many are black. "The suggestion that I was a racist because of the response to Katrina represented an all-time low. I told Laura at the time that it was the worst moment of my presidency. I feel the same way today," Bush writes.


  • ブレア氏のことを最も信頼する同盟相手だと語っている
  • イラクでの過ちを認めたが、正しい行動であったと語った
  • グアンタナモ収容所とそこでの拷問を肯定した
  • 5年前にニューオリーンズで1800人以上の犠牲者を出したハリケーンカトリーナによる災害への対応の決断で「若干遅れ」があったことを認めたが、他の人々の責任だとした


厚顔無恥とは、このことをいう。早くcrimes against humanityで訴追されてしまえよ。