
米国諜報機関が実は元ナチやその協力者を庇護していたという事実が明らかに。非公開だった政府の調査文書がでたよ。Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S., Report Says

WASHINGTON — A secret history of the United States government’s Nazi-hunting operation concludes that American intelligence officials created a “safe haven” in the United States for Nazis and their collaborators after World War II, and it details decades of clashes, often hidden, with other nations over war criminals here and abroad.

The 600-page report, which the Justice Department has tried to keep secret for four years, provides new evidence about more than two dozen of the most notorious Nazi cases of the last three decades.
Perhaps the report’s most damning disclosures come in assessing the Central Intelligence Agency’s involvement with Nazi émigrés. Scholars and previous government reports had acknowledged the C.I.A.’s use of Nazis for postwar intelligence purposes. But this report goes further in documenting the level of American complicity and deception in such operations.

The Justice Department report, describing what it calls “the government’s collaboration with persecutors,” says that O.S.I investigators learned that some of the Nazis “were indeed knowingly granted entry” to the United States, even though government officials were aware of their pasts. “America, which prided itself on being a safe haven for the persecuted, became — in some small measure — a safe haven for persecutors as well,” it said.


要は利用価値がありそうな戦犯については、その過去に目をつぶってやったつうこと。アイヒマンの片腕でCIAのために諜報活動をやったOtto Von Bolschwingや、サターンVロケットを開発した Arthur L. Rudolphとか。ファシズムと戦ったという表の歴史のほかに、彼らを利用した裏歴史があったってことか。