

The talk show host is taking heat for mocking a speech made by Chinese President Hu Jintao at the White House Wednesday.

"Hu Jintao -- He was speaking and they weren’t translating. They normally translate every couple of words. Hu Jintao was just going ching chong, ching chong cha," Limbaugh said, before launching into a 17-second imitation of the Chinese leader's dialect.

リンボー氏の番組は1500万人が聴いてるらしいんだけど、まるでどこかの国のような舌禍も引き起こしてんだよ。44 - Sheriff Dupnik: Rush Limbaugh call-out nearly crashed our system (video)

Among the breakout figures - including astronaut Mark Kelly, intern Daniel Hernandez, and Dr. Peter Rhee -- to gain national acclaim in the wake of the Tucson shooting tragedy, none has developed the controversial, love-hate appeal of Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik.

Dupnik was cheered loudly by the crowd at the memorial service last Thursday at the University of Arizona that featured President Obama. But he has also received boos and hate mail, Dupnik acknowledged in a sit-down interview with Washington Post reporters Sari Horwitz and David Nakamura this week. He said talk show host Rush Limbaugh encouraged listeners to email the sheriff's office and "tell them what you think" and the department's computers nearly crashed after angry emails began flooding in.

