
と男性の61%、女性の41%が回答したとイスラエルの調査があったよ。Study: 61% of men don't see forced sex with acquaintance as rape - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.com

The study was conducted last fall by Dr. Avigail Moor, a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating victims of sexual violence.

Moor asked her respondents two main questions: The first was whether they believed forced sex with an acquaintance constitutes rape; the second was whether they felt forced sex with a stranger constitutes rape. Respondents were asked to provide a simple yes or no answer.

What Moor discovered is that many of those surveyed viewed these two circumstances quite differently. While 61 percent of men and 41 percent of women said they did not consider forced sex with an acquaintance to be rape, nine out of 10 respondents of both genders said that forced sex with a stranger is rape.

When asked whether they viewed forced sex with a spouse as rape, only 8.5 percent of women and 7.3 percent of men said yes.


When Moor asked respondents whether a woman should complain to the police if raped by a stranger, 54 percent of women and 52 percent of men said yes. When asked about rape by an acquaintance, 38 percent of women and 20 percent of men thought the victim should file a police complaint.

ちょっと前になるけど、英国の10代の若者の調査でも似たような結果が。Third of teenage girls forced into sex, NSPCC survey finds - Telegraph

The poll found that one in six of the 13- to 17-year-olds questioned had been pressured to sleep with their boyfriends.

One in 16 said they had been raped while others – many of them underage - were forced into kissing or touching.

A quarter of those who had been in a close relationship said they had been slapped, punched or beaten by their boyfriends.
Professor David Berridge from the university said: “The high rate and harmful impact of violence in teenagers’ intimate relationships, especially for girls, is appalling. It was shocking to find that exploitation and violence in relationships starts so young. This is a serious issue that must be given higher priority by policy makers and professionals.”

Diana Sutton, the NSPCC’s head of policy and public affairs, added: “It is shocking to find so many young people view violence or abuse in relationships as normal. Many will not tell their parents what is happening.”
