
英文ニュースで、地震の恐怖から外国人研修生がどんどん帰国してしまい、働き手がなくて困っている企業がある、てのを取り上げている。Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The Mar. 11 disaster and the nuclear crisis have badly wounded Japan and its economy—from the tragic loss of life to the destruction of plants and ports. For many businesses, the disaster has had another effect: It has scared off the foreign workers they rely on.

Japan's aging population and extremely restrictive immigration policy, combined with a highly educated younger generation uninterested in menial labor, have created a shortage of workers willing to do the dirty, dangerous, or monotonous work that immigrants do in much of the rest of the wealthy world. Food processing and textile plants, restaurants, farms, and home health-care agencies have had difficulty filling job openings.

To help address that, Japan has created a temporary workforce, mostly from China, under what it calls its foreign worker trainee program. These workers spend three years in Japan, ostensibly learning a skill that they can take home with them. Immigrants rights groups and human rights lawyers, however, charge that the program simply provides companies with cheap, pliant labor while blocking actual immigration. In lawsuits, trainee workers have reported being paid as little as half the minimum wage in their first year. The minimum wage is usually between $8 and $10 an hour.




Yet Chikako Kashiwazaki, a sociologist and associate professor of economics at Keio University, believes that in recent years there has been a new acceptance among Japanese of the idea of immigration. Politicians from the two biggest parties, as well as Nippon Keidanren, a leading business organization, have made proposals to increase immigration. "People are actually thinking that perhaps it would be better to receive more people for settlement rather than on a temporary basis," says Kashiwazaki. People, in other words, who might hesitate to leave even if they feared Mount Fuji would explode.


う〜んこれは楽観的すぎると思うな。こんなのが堂々とメディアに載ってしまう社会ではねえ。トウホク食い荒らす?被災地に跋扈する不気味なアジア人 - 政治・社会 - ZAKZAK トウホク食い荒らす?被災地に跋扈する不気味なアジア人 - 政治・社会 - ZAKZAK