思い込みの激しい人たちとのnever ending story

オバマ大統領がbirthers(オバマ氏はアメリカ生まれのアメリカ人でないから大統領の資格がないと騒ぎ立てる人々)のご要望に応じて、ついに出生証明書のコピーを公開したよ。でも、そんなことで負ける人たちではなかったんだぜ!Obama’s release of birth certificate does little to allay ‘birther’ fears - The Washington Post

Trump said he felt “honored” to have played a role in the White House’s move, and then he nimbly skipped to his next demand — the release of Obama’s college transcript, which he thinks will show that Obama was no star student.


Orly Taitz, a prominent Obama critic who has questioned his birthplace, told Talking Points Memo that she thinks the newly released document is questionable because Obama’s father’s race is listed as “African.”
“It sounds like it would be written today, in the age of political correctness, and not in 1961, when they wrote white or Asian or ‘Negro,’” Taitz said.


Guthrie argued that the document Obama produced on Wednesday is not a birth certificate but merely a “certificate of live birth,” which she considers something different.

さらには、オバマ氏の父親がケニア人なので二重国籍の疑いがあるとか、二重国籍だから憲法の規定にある「生まれながらの米国民」に相当しないとか、実は出生場所はもともと問題でなかったとか言いだす人もいる始末。ケニア - Wikipediaによると、ケニアの独立は1963年だからオバマ氏の生まれた年にはケニア国籍ってなかったのではないかね。


“It’s easier psychologically to come up with a rationalization than it is to admit that you were wrong,” said Ronald Lindsay, president of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, in Amherst, N.Y., publisher of the myth-debunking magazine The Skeptical Inquirer.

“If you have a pre-commitment to a certain point of view, and that point of view is important for your identity — if you are emotionally attached to it — your emotion is going to shape your reasoning process. You’ll be presented with facts, but you’ll find some way to minimize the significance of those fact,” Lindsay said.

神話に反論するThe Skeptical Inquirerを発行するロナルド・リンゼー氏はいう。「自分を正当化する方が過ちを認めるよりも精神的に楽だ。もしある考え方を既に持っていて、それが自分にとって大事で、執着している場合、その気持ちが理屈を形作ってしまう。事実を突き付けられても、その重要性を低下させる方法を見つけ出してしまうんだ」