
マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)はなぜ世界の研究をリードし続けてきたか?ガーディアン紙の記事がおもろかった。大阪府橋下知事は、ルールだからと言われたらはいはいと言うことを聞くような教育者がお好きのようなので、MITに行ったら卒倒しちゃうかもね。The MIT factor: celebrating 150 years of maverick genius | Education | The Guardian

I put it to Chomsky that it's a revealing paradox that he, as a leading critic of the US's overweening military might, has been based, since the 1950s, at an institution that was centrally involved in erecting the burgeoning military-industrial complex he so incisively opposes. After all, MIT has long been a leader in military research and development, receiving huge sums in grants from the Pentagon. It was core to America's prosecution of the cold war, developing ever more sophisticated guidance systems for ballistic missiles trained on Moscow.

"What people don't understand is that the role of the Pentagon," Chomsky says, "to a large extent was developing the technology of the future. There were some odd things about it. This building was also one of the centres of the antiwar resistance, and it was right in there, 100% funded by the Pentagon. But they didn't care."

What does that tell us about MIT?

"I was just left alone to my own devices. Other people took days off to run their businesses; I went off as an antiwar activist. But no one ever objected. MIT is a very free and open place."
