
Breivik's toxic legacy | Aslak Sira Myhre | Opinion | The Guardian

Those who insist that Islam poses a threat to Europeans and Norwegians, and claim the past 1,500 years is a story of a never-ending clash between a Christian civilisation and Islamic barbary, are just as insistent as before. Instead of opening a door to decent debate, the terror has cemented divisions. Both rightwing politicians, and anti-islamic webpages sites like document.no has after some months of afterthought return to business as usual. Norwegian newspapers still have to shut down their web debates due to verbal abuse every time an article or comment on Islam or immigration is published.

Both these subjectsgo to the core of Behring Breivik's ideology. And even though many words have been used to declare how 22/7 has and will change Norway, it is still exactly the same people who oppose the inhumanity of our immigration policies, and the same rightwingers who criticise anything that looks like "giving in to Islam". Alongside this, the Islamophobes object to claims that they have something in common with Behring Breivik, and they are now fighting even harder to defend their paranoia.

After the attack, prime minister Stoltenberg stated that Norway's response would be more democracy and more openness. Politicians of all parties joined him in a declaration that the elections last September would be the nation's answer to the terror. People should turn up and vote to defend democracy. But the count showed no significant growth in turnout.



17 April 2012 9:04AM

"Will it be seen as the mad act of Behring Breivik alone, or as the product of a growing Islamophobia and political hatred?"

Why do we find it so impossible to comprehend that a sane person can kill? We don't give islamic extremists the excuse of being insane. We say that they did what they did because of what they believe in, that they are unrepentant killers. Why is it so hard to accept that Brievik did what he did because of what he believed in? Not so long ago far right ideologies led many in Europe to carry out murderous acts, and the entire caucasian race hasn't undergone some biological transformation since then which prevents them from being able to murder.

The sooner we accept the fact that some SANE people believe in ideologies that promote killing, the sooner we can properly combat those ideologies.

