「沈黙の春」が環境運動のきっかけとなった。How ‘Silent Spring’ Ignited the Environmental Movement - The New York Times
The book, which was published on Sept. 27, 1962, flew off the shelves, owing largely to its three-part serialization in The New Yorker that summer. “Silent Spring” was also selected for the Book-of-the-Month Club, which delighted Carson. But nothing established Carson more effectively than her appearance on “CBS Reports,” an hourlong television news program hosted by a former war correspondent, Eric Sevareid. On camera, Carson’s careful way of speaking dispelled any notions that she was a shrew or some kind of zealot. Carson was so sick during filming at home in suburban Maryland that in the course of the interview, she propped her head on her hands. According to Lear as well as William Souder, author of a new biography of Carson, “On a Farther Shore,” Sevareid later said that he was afraid Carson wouldn’t survive to see the show broadcast.
1962年9月27日に出版されたこの本は、The New Yorkerで夏に3部構成でシリーズ化されたこともあり、飛ぶように売れた。また、「今月の本」にも取り上げられ、カーソン氏を喜ばせた。しかし、何よりカーソン氏を有名にしたのは、戦場レポーターだったEric Sevareid氏によるインタビューが約1時間CBSレポートで放映されたことだった。カーソン氏の慎重な話し方から、彼女が狂信者などでないことは明らかだった。メリーランド郊外の自宅でのインタビューの最中、カーソン氏は非常に体調が悪く(注:この時乳がんを患っていた)、両手の上にうつぶせてしまった。カーソン氏の伝記作者のWilliam Souder氏によると、Sevareid氏はのちにカーソン氏が放送を見ることなく亡くなってしまうのではないかと心配だったと語ったという。
The personal attacks against Carson were stunning. She was accused of being a communist sympathizer and dismissed as a spinster with an affinity for cats. In one threatening letter to Houghton Mifflin, Velsicol’s general counsel insinuated that there were “sinister influences” in Carson’s work: she was some kind of agricultural propagandist in the employ of the Soviet Union, he implied, and her intention was to reduce Western countries’ ability to produce food, to achieve “east-curtain parity.”