
Proposal expands DNA collection to all arrests - Washington Times

Add DNA to the list of things the federal government may soon be able to take from suspects it arrests or detains.

Under a proposed expansion of a national computer database, the samples would be used to better identify criminals, terrorists and missing persons. It also would bolster DNA collection efforts already under way in 13 states and could include more than 140,000 federal arrests now reported annually.

Sen. Jon Kyl, Arizona Republican, sponsored the legislation, which was added as an amendment to the Violence Against Women Act of 2006, saying it was "long overdue."

"The proposed regulations will save lives and prevent crimes," Mr. Kyl said yesterday. "Many innocent lives could have been saved had the government began this kind of DNA sampling in the 1990s when the technology to do so first became available."

Those whose DNA would be collected also could include thousands of foreign nationals detained every year inside the United States and would not be limited under existing federal regulations to convicted felons. More than 876,000 illegal immigrants were arrested last year in the United States, many of them identified as criminal aliens.

共和党のJon Kyl上院議員が提案したこの法案により、逮捕・拘留された容疑者からDNAを採取し、これを連邦政府の管理するデータベースに加えることができる。このことで犯罪を防止し、多くの人を救うことができるとJon Kyl氏は主張する。採取の対象には、起訴された容疑者だけではなく、不法滞在の外国人も含まれる。


