
Japan 'should develop nuclear weapons' - Telegraph

"The history of the world from the 15th century was one of aggression of white people towards the rest of the world," he said.

"Japan was the last nation that was able to resist aggression from other countries, but now there is only talk of Japan carrying out actions against Korea and China and a tendency to ignore what the white nation-states carried out for hundreds of years.

"Any nation has positive and negative elements and I believe that if we are told by neighbouring countries that Japan was the aggressor and carried out evil acts and we remain silent then this is detrimental to our national interest," he said. "We should counter-argue by saying what actually happened."

(おいおい、あなたの言う白人国家では、近頃ちゃんと謝罪をしてるんだけど?オーストラリア政府の歴史的謝罪 - おこじょの日記とかカナダ首相、先住民に謝罪 - おこじょの日記とか)
