
香港の新聞Asia Timesが辛口の記事を載せてるんで、ご紹介。

For any Japanese prime minister, meeting with a US president has always been a double-edged sword. It has turned out to be a savior for a lackluster premier, but in many cases it has contributed to bringing them down.

Shinzo Abe and Yasuo Fukuda, Aso's immediate predecessors, both struggled to pass a bill in the Diet to extend the Maritime Self-Defense Force's refueling mission in the Indian Ocean for anti-terrorism operations in and around Afghanistan.

This bill caused their popularity to plummet and forced them to quit after less than one year in office. They had had summits with then-US president George W Bush at which they pledged Tokyo's full support for the refueling mission. This bill has been a high-priority issue for the conservative LDP. It is regarded as the cornerstone of the Japan-US military alliance and Tokyo's commitment to international cooperation against terrorism, despite formidable domestic opposition.

Prior to those two prime ministers, Kakuei Tanaka, Kiichi Miyazawa, Ryutaro Hashimoto, Keizo Obuchi and Yoshiro Mori, among others, all quit in less than a few years after they had held summits with the US president.

They were subjected to US pressure on various issues, such as on Japan's structural reforms to remove impediments to trade and to balance of payments adjustment, Tokyo's easing of regulations, the liberalization of Japanese markets, the disposal of non-performing loans held by banks after the collapse of an asset bubble economy in the early 1990s, Japanese overseas military actions, notably in Iraq, and cooperation on US missile defense.

"Historically, there have been so many prime ministers who quit soon after swallowing US demands in the Japan-US summit," said Minoru Morita, a noted political analyst in Tokyo. "The US demands have often been inconsistent with Japanese public opinion and national interests. That's a factor in Japan's prime ministers quitting in the past."

