米国では150万人の子ども(18歳未満)がホームレスナンダッテ!すごく深刻な問題だと思うんだけど、もし日本でも同じ問題が起きたら、どーなるんだろうか。根っこのはなし - 地下生活者の手遊びででてた話みたいに、「親の因果が子に報い」を支持する人が多かったらと思うと憂鬱になるね。しかしネットの議論見てると、シバキ主義の人が多いように勘違いするけど、実際は心のあったかい人の方が多いと思うんだ。カルデロンのり子さんのことだって、在留延長を求める署名に加わった人の方が、入管前で彼女を犯罪者呼ばわりした人よりうーんと多かったわけだし。
Report: 1 in 50 Kids in America Is Homeless - TIME
Families with children comprise roughly one-third of the nation's homeless population. Poverty continues to be a core reason for the crisis, though the aftermath of Hurrican Katrina combined to swell the numbers in Louisiana, Texas and Georgia. Since the 1980s, single mothers have accounted for an increasing share of the homeless population, partly because of increased divorced rates, gender and wage disparities, and the shrinking supply of affordable housing. Officials believe that the current home foreclosure crisis will be adding a new demographic to these statistics: middle-class blacks and Latinos. "It's families that were living pretty independently, doing pretty well. And, through just one event, it was, like, a domino effect — if one part of the puzzle breaks off, then everything breaks off," says Michael Levine, who coordinates social work programs for Hillsborough, Fla.'s 206,000-student school system.
The consequences of homelessness are profound. Homeless children are twice as likely as other children to be "retained," or held back, one academic year, or to be suspended or, ultimately, to drop out of school altogether. School districts across the country report a growing share of students who are "highly mobile" — who move multiple times within a school year. With each move, experts say, such students are at risk of falling some six months behind, or more, in their studies. Roughly one-quarter of homeless children have witnessed violence. It isn't surprising, then, that nearly half of such children suffer from anxiety and depression.