
ワシントンのホロコースト記念博物館で88歳の反ユダヤ主義者がガードマンを射殺した事件。去年取り上げた「アメリカの銃乱射事件 - おこじょの日記」と共通点があるようだ。

Holocaust Museum Shooting Suspect Had History of Hate, Signs of Breaking Point

James W. von Brunn was growing despondent.

John de Nugent, an acquaintance who describes himself as a white separatist, noticed the change when they last spoke two weeks ago.

"He said his Social Security had been cut and that he was barely making it," de Nugent said. "He felt it was the direct result of someone in Washington looking at his Web site."

In one of his e-mail blasts expressing his white supremacist views, the man police sources say shot and killed a security guard yesterday at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum told readers that they shouldn't expect to hear from him again. Von Brunn was shot and critically wounded by museum guards.

He was about to give away his computer, his primary connection to the fringe world of radical racists. He was living hand to mouth.

The e-mails were getting violent in tone: "It's time to kill all the Jews."

