
Report: Japan suspends talks on future of U.S. air base

kevrobb wrote:
This case really lays bare the Big American Lie about its military footprint. The Americans constantly whine that they "have to" do the "heavy lifting" for weak-kneed allies who won't fund their own defence.

So here we have Japan, a country which has climbed to 3rd or 4th place in global military spending, behind only the US, China and maybe Britain. Japan now spends far more on its military than Russia does, outspends North Korea about ten-to-one, and is totally impervious to any threat of invasion. And Japan wants to be completely self-sufficient in its national defence. It's giving the supposedly peace-loving Americans every chance to go home, in fact it's positively urging them to do so.

So the Americans, if there are what they claim to be, should leap at the chance. But instead, what do we hear? Angry whining, threats and bluster from Washington.

Because the Americans are liars. They don't have 900+ bases around the world because they need to, they have them because they want to. America's allies already vastly outgun America's enemies. NATO alone accounted for $1.2 trillion of $1.6 trillion in global military spending last year, and most of the rest was spent by friendly or non-aligned countries like Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Korea.

Israel outspends Iran 3-to-1, and so does the new Iraq (which unlike Saddam's Iraq, really does have a vast weapons program). Saudi Arabia outspends Iran 5-to-1. South Korea outspends North Korea 6-to-1. The EU outspends Russia EIGHT-to-one on defence. Yet America claims it needs bases in all these regions, to "defend allies" ... even those who don't want to be defended.
12/8/2009 1:42:04 PM


kenonwenu wrote:
Congratulations to Japan for showing some backbone, in the face of amazing rudeness and arrogance from Gates and the US Govt. Gates even threatened, at one point, not to move the base at all if Japan didn't bow to US wishes. Gates talks about "maintaining the allinance", but there's a term for keeping a base on foreign soil against the wishes of the foreign state - and it's not alliance, it's military occupation.

The Americans claim Japan is bound by an agreement made by a previous government. So Japan's elections, and the clear wishes of its people, mean nothing according to the self-proclaimed global "beacon of democracy". They're subservient to a military agreement.

If that's the way it works, why did the Bush Administration feel free to abandon a previous US govt's agreement -- in this case a solemn treaty -- on anti-ballistic missiles? Oh, of course, I forgot ... it's because the Hyperpower doesn't feel bound by the rules it wants others to follow.

I guess the Americans could always follow recent procedure on dealing with countries where they want to put military bases (that would be every country on earth) who dare to think that non-Americans have some kind of right to "sovereignty". There's a tested solution for foreigners who are recalcitrant about welcoming the Pentagon's embrace: just accuse Japan of secretly stockpiling WMD.
12/8/2009 12:45:51 PM

