
Why is Mike Huckabee flirting with a Japanese WWII revisionist? – Foreign Policy


Tamogami has launched an international lecture tour, which will hit New York in March. There will be a dinner cruise ($150 per ticket) on March 25 and a dinner lecture at the University Club on March 26 ($140 per ticket). Tamogami's website advertising the New York speech includes a picture of Huckabee and a link to Huckabee's personal website.

"Come share with us in the dual experience of powerful oration and rich history in The University Club of New York," Tamogami's site reads.

So what's going on here? The Cable reached Yasuhiro Takasaki, representative of the "Toshio Tamogami New York Lecture Committee."

Takasaki said that Huckabee was planning to come to New York and interview Tamogami for his Fox News show, although the interview had not been 100 percent confirmed. Huckabee would also attend the dinner and lecture, he said.

"It might be a good opportunity to meet with Huckabee," Takasaki said, advertising the event as a chance to get near the former Arkansas governor.

"I talked to Mike Huckabee last week and he is very interested in meeting with [Tamogami]," Takasaki said proudly.


