
こんなニュース記事を見たんで、ちょっと調べてみたよ。英メディア 日本人男性に「変態」「危険」のレッテル貼り|NEWSポストセブン
Japanese men are no 'peril' | Jenny Holt | Opinion | The Guardian
タイトル、正反対の意味なんですが。つうか、このコラム書いている人は、英国人女性が日本で殺害された事件から、日本人が危険であるかのような記事を載せたDaily Mail等を批判してる。

When British citizens are killed abroad, the countries in which the crime takes place rarely attract such negative scrutiny as Japan has with the Hawker case. As David McNeill remarked in the Japan Times a couple of months after the murder, the case unleashed a flurry of "yellow peril" scaremongering in the western media.



Is it such a big deal if the Daily Mail indulges a bit of mindless foreigner-bashing? I think so. It affects the way my husband is treated in Britain and may hamper my son's ability to integrate into British society. The stereotyping also speaks volumes about the western psyche. It suggests that westerners resent and fear successful non-white cultures and that they cope by denigrating and dehumanising them. What Britain chooses to see in Japan says more about its own insecurities than about the Japanese, and if Britain wants any role on the world stage in the future, attitudes will have to change as Asia grows.

