もし中国の駐米大使館からの公電がリークしてたらby NYTimes

ちょっとおもろかったんで紹介するよ。Op-Ed Columnist From WikiChina

Things are going well here for China. America remains a deeply politically polarized country, which is certainly helpful for our goal of overtaking the U.S. as the world’s most powerful economy and nation. But we’re particularly optimistic because the Americans are polarized over all the wrong things.


In foreign policy, we see no chance of Obama extricating U.S. forces from Afghanistan. He knows the Republicans will call him a wimp if he does, so America will keep hemorrhaging $190 million a day there. Therefore, America will lack the military means to challenge us anywhere else, particularly on North Korea, where our lunatic friends continue to yank America’s chain every six months so that the Americans have to come and beg us to calm things down. By the time the Americans do get out of Afghanistan, the Afghans will surely hate them so much that China’s mining companies already operating there should be able to buy up the rest of Afghanistan’s rare minerals.


日本の政治も相当いかれてるけど、アメリカもなかなかだよ。だって、共和党の重鎮上院議員で外交通の人物がティーパーティー候補に追い上げられそうだってんだから。Lugar氏は、ロシアとの核兵器削減条約に自党が反対してるのを批判したのは、「穏健」すぎるからだって。Senator Lugar Charts His Course Against the Winds

Mr. Lugar’s recent breaks with his party have stirred the attention of Indiana Tea Party groups, who have him in their sights. “Senator Lugar has been an upstanding citizen representing us in D. C.,” said Diane Hubbard, a spokeswoman for the Indianapolis Tea Party. “But over the years, he has become more moderate in his voting.”

Removing him “will be a difficult challenge,” Ms. Hubbard conceded. “But we do believe it’s doable, and we think the climate is right for it and we believe it is a must.”
