
アリゾナ州選出のギフォード下院議員が、市民との対話集会のさなかに銃撃され、さらに集会に参加していた人々6名が亡くなった事件。ギフォード氏は、昨年の選挙で茶会候補に僅差で勝って、議席を守った民主党議員。オバマ氏の医療保険改革を支持したことで、激しく攻撃されていたらしい。Arizona shooting: 'Does she have any enemies?' 'Yeah. The whole Tea Party' | US news | The Guardian

Like other members of Congress who supported healthcare reform, Giffords faced vitriolic attacks at town hall meetings by what she would call the "crazies". Across the country, Tea Partiers accused their elected representatives of betraying America, of being Nazis or communists for supporting Obama's attempt to ensure that everyone has access to healthcare. With the rhetoric came the regular allusions to armed resistance.



Gabrielle Giffords shooting: Gunman linked to grammar 'judge' | US news | The Guardian

Some reports have connected this with the arguments of David Wynn Miller – or as he styles himself, Judge David-Wynn: Miller – whose near-impenetrable, capital letter-heavy website expounds the notion that grammar is used to control the populace, and that by inserting colons or hyphens into your name you can escape taxable status by becoming a "prepositional phrase".


Former friends of Loughner have noted his apparent obsession with grammar but only as one part of a wider pattern of erratic and confrontational behaviour. This included the stated belief that his former college was illegal under the US constitution, the space shuttle missions were faked, and the September 11 attacks were staged by the government, and the claim that the world we see does not actually exist.


こーゆー話ばっかで、そもそも心の問題を抱えている人でも簡単に銃を買えて、持ち歩けるのをどーにかしようていう話はあんまりでないのな。Guns Are Everywhere in Arizona - CBS News