

The largest domestic spending cut in U.S. history will upend almost every federal agency and slash programs dealing with healthcare, transportation and education, but will give the Pentagon an extra $5 billion, according to aides familiar with the negotiations.

It preserves funding for some of President Obama's cherished initiatives, including the healthcare and Wall Street overhauls and his education program, Race to the Top. But four of the president's policy czars get the ax: healthcare, climate change, cars and urban affairs.


Nearly 35 domestic programs were terminated or severely reduced by the first $10 billion in cuts, which came in a series of stopgap deals to keep the government running during the five-week stalemate. Friday's agreement added cuts worth another $28 billion.

Earlier trims include more than $500 million from literacy programs for children and initiatives to reduce high school class sizes, and $350 million for job training.

Also axed was $650 million from highway accounts, $200 million for wildfire suppression and $276 million for flu pandemics that the administration said could be covered from other sources.


やれやれ、Tea partyって正気とは思えないね。こんなことをしたらじわじわと問題が起きてくると思うが?それより手を広げ過ぎた戦争をとっととなんとかして、その予算を国内に充てた方がよほどいいだろうに。「小さな政府」真理教って、こわいね。日本を襲った災害をみて、政府の役割の重要性とか考えないのかねー。そんな政治状況の国に、ひたすらついていきたいと思う?