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Researchers were surprised to find that whites believed that racism against whites has increased significantly as racism against blacks has decreased. On average, whites rated anti-white bias as more prevalent in the 2000s than anti-black bias by more than a full point on the 10-point scale. Moreover, some 11 percent of whites gave anti-white bias the maximum rating of 10 compared to only 2 percent of whites who rated anti-black bias a 10. Blacks, however, reported only a modest increase in their perceptions of "reverse racism."

"These data are the first to demonstrate that not only do whites think more progress has been made toward equality than do blacks, but whites also now believe that this progress is linked to a new inequality -- at their expense," note Norton and Sommers. Whites see racial equality as a zero-sum game, in which gains for one group mean losses for the other.


あ〜どこでもあるんだな、こーゆー発想。女性差別が解消されようとすると、男性差別だといきりたったりするアレとおんなじだ。このreverse racismっていやな言葉だね。
Race and Racialization: Essential Readingsこの本では、カナダの社会で貧困や不平等と縁のない若者たち(白人男性)に差別について教育することのむずかしさが語られてた。

According to social norms, it is not prudent for individuals to acknowledge their power and priviledge openly. This, then might be part of the denial we hear from this young males. The denial of their power and priviledges might also reflect their reluctances to take responsibilty for the historical conditions that have resulted in their priviledges, or rather maintain their belief that in today's society, individual successes and failures are a result of inidividual efforts. Further, to acknowledge their privilage, they will also have to agree that the oppsite is true- that racial minorities have been disadvantaged by the same system that has benefited whites.



自分こそがその特権を享受するべき存在であるぞ!って言いたいけど言えない、そんな気弱さをreverse racismつう言葉に感じたのでありました。例:在●会とか。