
英国とアルゼンチンで、再度緊張が高まってるそうだ。キャメロン首相が、下院で住民が望む限り英国領だと発言したことを受けて。英国は、昨年から島の付近で石油の採掘を始めてるらしいよ。David Cameron 'bordering on stupidity' over Falkland Islands, says Argentina president Cristina Kirchner - Telegraph

Cristina Kirchner, the president of Argentina, has accused David Cameron of "mediocrity bordering on stupidity" over the issue of the Falkland Islands.
The Argentine leader then went on to lambast Britain as "a crude colonial power in decline."
Tensions over the islands have been stoked by British companies drilling for oil in the waters around the Falklands, which British forces reclaimed in a ten-week war following the Argentine invasion of 1982.

The Argentine Foreign Ministry released a statement describing Mr Cameron's words as a "regrettable act of arrogance".

Jorge Arguello, Argentina's ambassador to the United Nations, used the latest controversy to repeat his claim that Britain's place as a permanent member of the UN Security Council should be reviewed.

"The international community should carefully reconsider the status of countries that continue to form a permanent part of the Security Council; especially those who systematically ignore or violate General Assembly decisions," Arguello said.


英国が領有権を得た1833年ごろは、無人島だったらしいけど。Falkland Islands - Wikipediaたしかに帝国主義の遺物だよなー。エネルギー問題が絡むと、どこの国も一歩も引かないのは同じだな、と。