
日本で同じことをやったら、どんなひどいバッシングを受けるだろうかと考えると、どんよりしちゃう。彼の勇気に敬意を表して、ご紹介。Why I'm taking the police to court for kettling me | Adam Castle | Opinion | The Guardian

I found it inspiring to see so many young people attending the demonstration, prepared to stand up for what they believe in. But it saddens me that the police can crush this young movement's motivation and scare children off attending future demonstrations.

As under 18-year-olds, we are unable to vote. One of the few opportunities we have to make our views heard on decisions that directly affect our lives is through protest. Some people say that children should not go on protests, but that is ridiculous. We should not be denied the right to march and let our opinions be known. We are not politically apathetic; we fully understood the government's proposals of nearly trebling university tuition fees and abolishing Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA). Nobody voted for these changes, and now they are being challenged as illegal in the high court by two sixth-form students.

Met police kettled pupils aged 11 during fee protests, court told | UK news | The Guardian

"The claimants were entirely innocent of any misconduct," Westgate said. "Other children were also prevented from leaving. One 11-year-old was told to 'get back' at a fairly late stage in the containment."

The "kettle" operation began at 12.30pm and children repeatedly presented themselves at the police lines asking to be allowed to leave. They showed Oyster cards and offered other proof of their age but were not allowed to depart.

"Children … were reasonably capable of being identified as non-violent participants," Westgate said. "There's no suggestion there were a significant number of violent children."

Radio logs of the police operation showed that officers feared some protesters had knives or, in one case, a gun. "It seems that the release took longer … because the police wanted to secure evidence for arrests," Westgate said. "That's not a lawful use of containment."

大学の学費ってのは、高校生にとっちゃ一番身近な問題だし、値上げに反対したいと思っても不思議ではないよね。暴れてもいないのに、暴れる恐れがあるからって拘束するってのもねえ。デモなんかする方が悪いっていう人には、ベンジャミン・フランクリンの言葉をささげよう。Benjamin Franklin - Wikiquote

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.