

Israeli officials would not confirm or deny multiple reports in the Israeli news media that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak were pressing for a decision on whether and when to strike a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, the centerpiece of Iran’s known nuclear-fuel production, and related sites across the country.

今のところ米英などは武力行使でない「圧力」にとどめると言ってるけど、リビアのこともあったし、どーだろうか。いくら軍事支出は雇用を作るといっても、それは人の命を犠牲にしてるんだから。ガーディアンにイランへの武力介入に警鐘を鳴らしてる記事があったのでご紹介。An attack on Iran would be disastrous | Richard Norton-Taylor | Opinion | The Guardian

This is what so worries Whitehall, and Britain's top brass in particular – a growing fear that Barack Obama will find it difficult to oppose increasing pressure for military action against Iran's nuclear facilities within the next 12 months. British military commanders may be gung-ho, perennially optimistic and eager to please their political masters. They are also pragmatic, fully aware of the potential failure as well as the catastrophic consequences of such military action. And it would be hard for anyone to defend the legality of such pre-emptive strikes.

Amid such death and destruction what would be the end game, and the battles on the way? US and British military commanders have for years warned of the disasters that would follow missile strikes on Iran.

Iran's forces may not be up to much but, with the help of Hamas and Hezbollah, they could wreak havoc. British and US troops in Afghanistan would be exposed to even greater danger than they are now – their bases in the Gulf, notably in Qatar and Bahrain, would be easy targets. The Strait of Hormuz, the entrance to the Gulf, the canal through which more than 50% of the world's oil is shipped, would be closed. What would arise from the ashes?

