ノルウェーで極右青年が銃を乱射して69名も殺害した事件が生々しいけど、英国のシンクタンクがネットで支持者を集める極右グループの調査をしたそうだ。Far right on rise in Europe, says report | World news | The Guardian
Research by the British thinktank Demos for the first time examines attitudes among supporters of the far right online. Using advertisements on Facebook group pages, they persuaded more than 10,000 followers of 14 parties and street organisations in 11 countries to fill in detailed questionnaires.
The study reveals a continent-wide spread of hardline nationalist sentiment among the young, mainly men. Deeply cynical about their own governments and the EU, their generalised fear about the future is focused on cultural identity, with immigration – particularly a perceived spread of Islamic influence – a concern.
"We're at a crossroads in European history," said Emine Bozkurt, a Dutch MEP who heads the anti-racism lobby at the European parliament. "In five years' time we will either see an increase in the forces of hatred and division in society, including ultra-nationalism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and antisemitism, or we will be able to fight this horrific tendency."
英国のシンクタンクDemosは、オンラインで11カ国の極右支持者ら1万人を対象に詳細な調査を実施した。この調査から、ヨーロッパの若い男性たちの間で強硬な国家主義思想が広がっていることが明らかとなった。自国政府やEUに強い不信感を抱いており、文化的アイデンティティーやイスラムの影響を広げている移民問題について、将来を心配していた。EU政府で反レイシズムロビー活動を行っているオランダ議員のEmine Bozkurt氏は言う。「私たちはヨーロッパの歴史の岐路に立っています。これから5年以内に、超国家主義・外国人憎悪・イスラム憎悪・反ユダヤ主義などの憎悪と社会の分断の高まりを経験するか、この恐るべき傾向に抗することができるかどうかです」
Youth, Demos found, was a common factor. Facebook's own advertising tool let Demos crunch data from almost 450,000 supporters of the 14 organisations. Almost two-thirds were aged under 30, against half of Facebook users overall. Threequarters were male, and more likely than average to be unemployed.
As a political party, having tens of thousands of online supporters is one thing but translating these into actual votes can be quite another. However, the Demos survey found that 67% of the Facebook fans of the nationalist-populist groups which put up candidates – some are street movements only – said they had voted for them at the most recent election.Further analysis found that female supporters were more likely to turn support into a vote, as were those who were employed.