

In the film, Naama is seen crying as she holds her mother's hand on the walk to her school. They are both orthodox, dressed in what most people would consider a modest fashion, but her mother wears a skirt that is only knee-length, and sports calf-length boots. Looking closely, you might catch a glimpse of her mother's knees, clad in thick tights.

"Do you want to walk just a little bit?" asks her mother, trying to persuade her to cross the road. "No, no!" screams the little girl.

"Lots of the time they scare me, that I'll get hurt or something like that," Naama told Channel Two. What is it like living in Bet Shemesh, she is asked. "Frightening". Later, the reporter stops an ultra-orthodox man identified as Moshe and asks him if he agrees with spitting at girls in the street.

"Yes, because they don't go modestly," he replies. "It bothers me. I'm a healthy man. It's right to spit on a girl who doesn't behave according to the law of the Torah. A seven-year-old, yes. What's the problem? The rabbis tell us how a woman should behave when she walks in the street and that's how it should be."

映像では、ナーマは母親と手をつないで泣きながら登校する様子が映されている。二人とも保守的な服装をしているが、母親のスカートはひざ丈である。しかしひざは分厚いタイツで隠されている。母親が道を渡るように促すと、少女は「いや!」と泣き叫ぶ。「いつも、いつか怪我をするよって脅かされるの。」Bet Shemeshでの暮らしはどうかと聞かれ「怖い」と答えた。レポーターは、のちに超保守派男性に話しかけ、通りで少女たちに唾を吐きかけることについて同意するか聞いた。「つつましい格好しないんだから、当然だ。いらいらする。私は健全な人間だ。トーラの法に従わない娘には唾を吐いて当たり前だ。7歳?もちろんだ。何が問題なんだ。ラビが外を女性が歩く時の振る舞いを指導するのは、当たり前だ」