
というニュースを英国Daily Mailが報じたそうな。ワタスの中では、英国のS経新聞というかんじ?ガーディアン紙で、記事のコメ欄にはその説を補強するようなサンプルが殺到してると紹介されてた。Charlie Brooker: When the Daily Mail calls rightwingers stupid, the result is dumbogeddon | Opinion | The Guardian
Daily Mailの記事はこっち:Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Daily Mail Online

Right-wingers tend to be less intelligent than left-wingers, and people with low childhood intelligence tend to grow up to have racist and anti-gay views, says a controversial new study.
Conservative politics work almost as a 'gateway' into prejudice against others, say the Canadian academics.
The paper analysed large UK studies which compared childhood intelligence with political views in adulthood across more than 15,000 people.

The authors claim that people with low intelligence gravitate towards right-wing views because they make them feel safe.


Who is always trying to break people down into Races and groups and then pitting them against each other so they can DIVIDE AND CONQUER! LEFT WING !!!LIBERALS MAKE ME WANT TO PROJECTILE VOMIT all over their face

  • Who cares, Liberals


