
過激な保守発言で人気のラッシュ・リンボー氏が、議会の公聴会経口避妊薬の健康保険適用を求めた、ジョージタウンロースクール生の女性に番組中で暴言を吐き、一応謝罪したもののスポンサーが逃げ出す事態になってるよ。Rush Limbaugh 'slut' comment reveals a double standard on sex - CSMonitor.com

Ms. Fluke told lawmakers that women can pay more than $3,000 for contraception during three years of law school, and that her school, a Catholic institution, does not provide birth control coverage.

“What does it say about the college coed . . . who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex?” Mr. Limbaugh asked on his Wednesday program. He said this makes her a “slut” and “prostitute.” He has since apologized for his remarks.

Limbaugh made no mention of any male sexual partners who would presumably “benefit” from the same government subsidy. In this worldview, only a “coed” – that is, a female – can be promiscuous. The rest of us males are just taking what’s rightfully ours.

Indeed, the following day, Limbaugh even suggested that Fluke should distribute sex tapes of herself. In exchange for paying for her contraceptives, “we” ought to be able to view the videos.




Faced with a media firestorm – and the withdrawal of several advertisers from his radio show – Limbaugh issued a brief apology over the weekend on his website. "I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke,” Limbaugh wrote. And I believe him. Limbaugh didn’t have any particular animus against Fluke; she was just a convenient stand-in for any female who wants to exert her sexual autonomy.

And that’s an important and overlooked front in this battle: whether the two sexes have equal rights to determine their own sex lives. Nearly a half-century after Ashley Montagu compared the Pill to the invention of fire, a single woman who admits to using contraceptives is still playing with fire. I’d challenge you to find a single man who has been burned for the same.

