

Obama’s use of drones is only one element in his transformation from liberal to quasi-conservative. And there are commentators who believe he has always been a pragmatist and that his political record has shown him to be less idealistic than his rhetoric suggests. But even for the less cynically inclined, Obama’s continuation and extension of neo-conservative policy should be a numbing disappointment for liberals.

No doubt, US government officials will argue that Obama is engaging in the reality of modern warfare and that drones are a safer way of executing terrorists than employing ground troops. White House Counter Terrorism advisor John Brennan stated that civilian causalities are “exceedingly rare”. Well yes, they are “exceedingly rare”, but only because the CIA’s definition of a “combatant” is so broad that it effectively means anyone killed in a drone strike, as long as they are “military-age males” can be classified as a “combatant”. Such callousness damns not only those who were enamoured by Obama’s rhetoric of “hope” and “change”, but also anyone who believes civil liberties should not be eroded out of fear of the unknown.

This military policy also inadvertently undermines the US’s relations with countries crucial to its ‘War on Terror’. Diplomacy, particularly with Pakistan, has become increasingly strained following recent attacks, while Sudarsan Raghavan in The Washington Post suggested the use of drones is actually doing more damage than good to the US’s war effort.

Will such evidence against drone warfare impact on Obama’s re-election hopes? Anti-war sentiment was a large factor in catalysing the Republican Party’s electoral demise in 2008. Will it do the same for Obama? Perhaps not; Obama’s poll ratings were highest in the days following Osama bin Laden’s assassination, possibly indicating that an aggressive foreign policy is not always unwelcome. Yet a more probable explanation lies in the transitory upsurge of US patriotism following Osama bin Laden’s death. Tellingly, Obama’s poll figures quickly trailed off suggesting the latter, and indicating that a continuation of this foreign policy may not be a fast track to electoral success.

こうした軍事戦略は「テロとの戦い」に不可欠な同盟国との関係を損なう。とりわけ、パキスタンとの同盟関係が損なわれている。ワシントンポストのSudarsan Raghavan氏は、無人機の使用は弊害の方が大きいと述べている。このような戦争のやり方は彼の再選の障害になるだろうか。2008年の共和党の敗北の陰には反戦感情があった。オバマ氏に同じことが起きるだろうか?しかし、ウサマ・ビンラディン氏殺害後の支持率は最高を記録したことから、好戦的な外交は必ずしも反発されないのかもしれない。しかし、もっともありそうな説明はビンラディン氏の死によって一時的な愛国感情の高まりがあった、というものである。オバマ氏の支持率は速やかに元に戻り、このような外交政策は再選への近道といえないだろうと思われる。
