
微量の放射能漏れを起こして停止中の米国カリフォルニア州原発では、点検が不十分だったことが原因らしいっす。調査を進めている原子力規制委員会は、三菱重工のせいだとしてるらしいっすよ。Faulty tests blamed for California nuclear plant leak - Reuters

The nuclear station is located halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego and is critical to the grid to import electricity into southern California. Its extended shutdown raises the possibility of rolling power outages as warmer temperatures boost demand for power over the summer.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Monday pinned the blame for the leak on Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which it said underestimated the velocity of water and steam surging through the generator by a factor of three or four times in its computerized test of the equipment.

The tubes were also not held together tightly enough inside the troubled Unit 3 reactor, allowing them to rub against each other and causing premature wear, regulatory officials said.

Eight of the 129 tubes tested by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission since the shutdown at the plant's troubled Unit 3 generator failed pressure testing, an unprecedented number, said Elmo Collins, regional administrator for the Region IV office of the NRC.


While the regulatory commission has some authority over contractors such as Mitsubishi, Collins made it clear that it's Southern California Edison that will ultimately be held accountable if penalties are eventually levied by the government.

A crowd of over 400 people showed up for the hearing, many asking pointed questions about the competence of the Southern California Edison and the regulatory commission, as well as raising questions about the safety of nuclear power.

Dozens of environmentalists held a rally prior to the meeting with anti-nuclear signs, including one banner that read "Fukushima not again!" - a reference to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster last year following the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan.

委員会は三菱のような請負業者に対する監督責任をある程度持っているにしても、政府による処罰の対象は最終的に運営側であるSouthern California Edison 社であると明らかにした。公聴会には400人を超える人々が集まり、多くの人がSouthern California Edison 社や規制委員会の能力に疑問を呈し、原子力の安全性にも疑問を投げかけた。何十人もの環境活動家が公聴会前に反原発を掲げてデモを行い、あるバナーには「福島を繰り返すな!」とあった。
