
かつてオーストラリアは「反捕鯨」の急先鋒で、メディアの注目度も高かったんだけど、反対派のせいでなく捕鯨がオワコンになった昨今は反捕鯨も下火になりつつあるという見方。Whaling: From 'bloody' to 'boring'? - BBC News

A quick Google News search in advance of this year's meeting for "Australia + IWC" turned up not a single article, and it's far from being the only country where there's a dearth.

So what's happened?

One answer may lie in how the IWC's agenda is effectively changing.

The biggest issue out there for many supporters and opponents of whaling is Japan's programme in the Southern Ocean - closely followed by Japan's coastal whaling programme, Iceland's fin whale hunt and associated whalemeat exports, and the Norwegian hunt.

But despite all the sound and fury of recent years, inside and outside the IWC, those programmes have continued largely unchanged.

Where there have been changes, they've happened in spite of the IWC.

Japan's annual catch has shrunk through the apparently declining appetite of consumers for whalemeat, depleted government finances, and harassment by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

Iceland isn't exporting as much whalemeat as it would like, because, again, of consumer disinterest in Japan.

グーグルニュースをAustralia + IWCで検索しても、一つもニュースに上がってこない。そして、これはこの国だけではない。何が起こったのだろう?一つの答えは、IWCのテーマがガラッと変わったことによるかもしれない。捕鯨の賛成派と反対派にとって、もっとも大きな問題は日本による南氷洋での捕鯨で、ついで日本の沿岸捕鯨アイスランド捕鯨と鯨肉輸出、そしてノルウェー捕鯨問題であった。IWC内外での近年の騒ぎや怒りにかかわらず、これらはあまり変化が見られなかった。変化が見られた場合は、IWCと関係なく起きていた。日本の年間捕獲量は、消費者の明らかな鯨肉離れ、政府予算の減少、そしてシー・シェパードの妨害によって減少した。アイスランドの輸出量も、日本の消費量減少のせいで落ち込んだ。

This year, aboriginal subsistence whaling (ASW) is top of the agenda.

And despite serious concerns about humane killing and the blurring lines between what constitutes a subsistence need and what is quasi-commercial, hardly anyone connected with the issue disputes the basic point that indigenous peoples who depend on whalemeat should be allowed to hunt them.
