
コロラド州の映画館で銃乱射事件があって、12人も亡くなったのは記憶に新しい。そして繰り返される銃規制派と反規制派のせめぎあい。NYタイムズに元警官のマイケル・ブラック氏が書いてる意見をご紹介。Armed but Not So Safe - The New York Times

AS the families of James E. Holmes’s victims continue to deal with this senseless tragedy, anti- and pro-gun groups are exchanging their standard barbs on gun control in America. Representative Louie Gohmert, Republican of Texas, recently suggested that if this incident had occurred in his state, where many citizens carry concealed weapons, the crazed shooter could have been quickly terminated. I wonder if the congressman considered the confusion and terror that occurs in a real-life firefight?

ジェームズ・E・ホームズの被害者の家族がこの悲劇に向き合っている最中、銃規制派と反規制派はお決まりの銃規制をめぐる争いをしている。テキサス会下院議員Louie Gohmert氏(共和党)は、多くの市民が銃を携帯している彼の州でこの事件が起きたとしたら、犯人はあっという間に撃ち殺されていただろうといった。この議員は実際の銃撃戦でどんな混乱と恐怖が起きるか考えてみたのだろうか?


The last shooting incident I was involved in happened at 3 in the morning on Dec. 26, 2010, my last Christmas before I retired. We responded to a report of two men arguing, one threatening to shoot the other. My radio blared, “Shots fired! Man with a gun.” When I reached one man, running in the darkness between two houses, he had already been shot by another officer. When the officer had ordered the man to stop and identify himself, the man had pointed a pistol at him. The officer ducked behind his car door and fired half the bullets in his Glock 21 before finally hitting the offender once in the left buttock. We eventually found the shooter’s silver semiautomatic deep in a snowdrift.

The suddenness and confusion of that moment points out the folly of the politician’s belief that an armed civilian could have easily taken out James Holmes. Imagine the scene: speakers blasting, larger-than-life heroes and villains on the screen, and suddenly real gunshots, a man in a gas mask firing one of three weapons — a shotgun, handgun and rifle, with extended magazines for extra ammo capacity — into the panicking crowd. Even a highly trained, armed police officer would have been caught off guard. Try adding a bunch of untrained, armed civilians into the mix — this type of intervention could have made things much worse.

