
「毅然とした外交」をもとめてるんだってさ。Nationalist Groups in Japan Gain Clout - WSJ

Nationalist politicians and activists are wielding new clout in Japan, straining the country's ties with China and South Korea, and creating headaches for policy makers in Tokyo.

Two Japanese cabinet ministers visited Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine—a place strongly associated with the country's imperialist past—on Wednesday, the first such visits since the Democratic Party of Japan took power three years ago. The visits further inflamed a dispute with South Korea; South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, who upset Japanese officials with his visit to an islet contested by the two nations, said in a speech Wednesday that Japan must resolve issues from the World War II era before the two countries can develop better relations.

Mr. Lee referred to Japan as a "close neighbor, a friend" but noted the sexual enslavement of Korean women by Japanese soldiers during World War II.

"It was a breach of women's rights committed during wartime as well as a violation of universal human rights and historic justice," he said. "We urge the Japanese government to take responsible measures in this regard."


Today's leading nationalist organizations try to distance themselves from traditional right-wing groups, whose public image is one that includes loud and menacing protest rallies. The issues driving the current generation also are distinct from earlier ones, which were more focused on Japan's war experiences and on issues such as worship of the imperial family. Some see the nationalists as drawing from the same pool of disgruntled youth as the antinuclear protesters, although that movement has moved closer to the mainstream.

What ties elements of the current movement together are the territorial rivalries and the desire to see Japan act more decisively over them. "At a time when China is claiming even Okinawa as part of its own territory, Japan must be more resolute in our foreign policy," said Takeo Hiranuma, a parliament member who heads the small Sunrise Party of Japan.

Nationalist Internet sites have proliferated in recent years, allowing participants—known as netto uyoku, or Internet rightists, to air their views, often using incendiary and derogatory terms for China and Korea.

