
おかげさまで、ワタスの過去記事の人気が急上昇中であります!京大の山中伸弥教授かっこよす - おこじょの日記このとき、すでにノーベル賞を予想していたとはスゲーと自画自賛しておきましょう。
Nobel prize won by Briton written off in his teens by a science teacher | Science | The Guardian

According to his Eton schoolmaster, the 15-year-old Gurdon did not stand out as a potential scientist. Writing in 2006, Gurdon quoted a school report as saying: "I believe Gurdon has ideas about becoming a scientist; on his present showing this is quite ridiculous; if he can't learn simple biological facts, he would have no chance of doing the work of a specialist, and it would be a sheer waste of time, both on his part and of those who would have to teach him."

That year, Gurdon scored the lowest mark for biology in his year at Eton. "Out of 250 people, to come bottom of the bottom form is quite something, and in a way the most remarkable achievement I could have been said to make," he said.

The scientist, who was knighted in 1995, narrowly avoided military service when he caught a cold and his doctor decided it might be helpful to diagnose bronchitis. Gurdon received a message from the army assigning him to latrine cleaning and peeling potatoes, but was later told he was not needed.

