
こーゆーニュースがあった。時事ドットコム:慰安婦問題、韓国がまた提起=日本反論で互いに譲らず−国連 時事ドットコム:慰安婦問題、韓国がまた提起=日本反論で互いに譲らず−国連

SHIN DONG-IK (Republic of Korea) said, despite growing recognition of the rights of women as inalienable and a prerequisite for sustainable development, there was still a long way to go. Women continued to account for the vast majority of the world’s poor, and found themselves being disproportionately affected by violence and discrimination. “Inequality can also be seen in the persistent gender wage gap and limited access to education and the labour market,” he said. But no discussion of gender equality would be complete without reference to the task of eliminating violence against women; gender-based violence was one of the most pervasive violations of human rights of our times.
“What is even worse is that victims of violence bear the cost of the harm and stigma while perpetrators have been protected by a widespread culture of impunity, which allows such deplorable violence to persist,” he said. A more comprehensive and holistic response was needed to effectively address violence against women, and his delegation appreciated the Human Rights Council’s adoption of resolutions focusing on prevention of violence, protection for women subjected to violence and remedies for victims. Sexual abuse in conflict – one of the most egregious forms of human rights violation - also warranted serious attention. Drawing attention to “comfort women” forced into military sexual slavery during the Second World War, he said the case remained unresolved and the immeasurable pain and suffering of victims had yet to be addressed. His Government would like to urge the United Nations system and all Member States to make further efforts to end such crimes.


Exercising his right of reply, Japan’s delegate recognized that the issue of comfort women was a grave affront to the dignity of a large number of women and his Government had extended an apology to them. The issue of reparations, property and claims concerning World War II had been legally settled. In 1995, Japan and its people jointly established the Asian Women’s Fund to support former comfort women. Japan had extended its maximum support to the Fund’s activities, including through provision of atonement money.
The representative of the Republic of Korea said his Government was deeply concerned that Japan continued to deny its legal obligations to former comfort women, ignoring repeated international calls to address the matter in a sincere manner. Japan’s actions constituted war crimes under international humanitarian law, and might constitute crimes against humanity. The issue of comfort women had not been addressed in the settlement of property and claims, nor by the agreement governing it.
In that context, he drew attention to the 1996 and 1998 reports by, respectively, the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, and the Special Rapporteur on the issue of systematic rape, sexual slavery, and slavery-like practices in armed conflict, who said that neither the San Francisco Treaty nor subsequent treaties covered those practices. They had recommended that Japan compensate victims. Other recommendations, including by the Committee against Torture in 2007, the Human Rights Committee in 2008, and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in 2009, reaffirmed that the issue of comfort women remained unresolved. He called on Japan to recognize its legal responsibility and take measures appropriate to the victims.
Japan’s delegate said he would not make a detailed rebuttal. Japan’s position was as previously stated.
The representative of the Republic of Korea recalled recommendations by Special Rapporteurs and by the human rights treaty bodies. The issue could be addressed only through Japan’s acceptance of its legal responsibility, in line with those various human rights mechanisms.

もう訳すのやんなったんで、読んでください。ワタスの印象は、韓国代表が「女性への暴力の撲滅」という非常に大きなテーマで語っているのに、毎度おなじみ「アジア女性基金で解決済み」という答えでは、決して決して国際社会の理解はえられない、ってことですわ。せめて話の冒頭に、日本も紛争下の性犯罪の防止に積極的に取り組む必要があると認識してるとかなんとか言わないと、「金さえ払えばOK」という印象もたれておしまいじゃん。(ま、実際そーなんだが)それに、his Government had extended an apology to themってうそじゃん?あんだけ国内で河野発言の見直しどーたらってやってて、だれが日本政府が引き続き謝罪を行っていると思うんだよ。つうか、日本政府としての正式な謝罪なんてしたっけか?