
Q2. Could you explain the details of the present “Draft Revision”?

Why do we need to revise our Constitution NOW? - おこじょの日記の続き The present Draft was revised in order to develop a Constitution which is worthy of our country. The stiff wordings due to the translation and the articles based on inbo…

Question and answers from the LDP

リクエストにお答えして、Q1だけ。http://www.jimin.jp/policy/pamphlet/pdf/kenpou_qa.pdf Q1.Why do we need a new constitution now? For what purpose has the Liberal Democratic Party (Jiminto) presented their “Draft Revision of the Japanese Con…


人権ガン無視のアメリカの汚点、グアンタナモ基地はなぜキューバにあるのか?という歴史。Give Guantánamo Back to Cuba - The New York Times The circumstances by which the United States came to occupy Guantánamo are as troubling as its past decad…


レイシズムむき出しを隠そうともしないどころか南京虐殺も従軍慰安婦も語っちゃう歴史修正主義者 - Togetterをみてたら、すげー発言があったので、保存。 @Anonymous_jp_ 政府、司法、学会は大虐殺の有無に関しての立場は国民の総意ではなく、拘束されるもの…