
人権ガン無視のアメリカの汚点、グアンタナモ基地はなぜキューバにあるのか?という歴史。Give Guantánamo Back to Cuba - The New York Times

The circumstances by which the United States came to occupy Guantánamo are as troubling as its past decade of activity there. In April 1898, American forces intervened in Cuba’s three-year-old struggle for independence when it was all but won, thus transforming the Cuban War of Independence into what Americans are still wont to call the Spanish-American War. American officials then excluded the Cuban Army from the armistice and denied Cuba a seat at the Paris peace conference. “There is so much natural anger and grief throughout the island,” the Cuban general Máximo Gómez remarked in January 1899, after the peace treaty was signed, “that the people haven’t really been able to celebrate the triumph of the end of their former rulers’ power.”

Curiously, the United States’ declaration of war on Spain included the assurance that America did not seek “sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control” over Cuba and intended “to leave the government and control of the island to its people.”

But after the war, strategic imperatives took precedence over Cuban independence. The United States wanted dominion over Cuba, along with naval bases from which to exercise it.


Enter Gen. Leonard Wood, whom President William McKinley had named military governor of Cuba, bearing provisions that became known as the Platt Amendment. Two were particularly odious: one guaranteed the United States the right to intervene at will in Cuban affairs; the other provided for the sale or lease of naval stations. Juan Gualberto Gómez, a leading delegate to the Cuban Constitutional Convention, said the amendment would render Cubans “a vassal people.” Foreshadowing the Cuban Missile Crisis, he presciently warned that foreign bases on Cuban soil would only draw Cuba “into conflict not of our own making and in which we have no stake.”

But it was an offer Cuba could not refuse, as Wood informed the delegates. The alternative to the amendment was continued occupation. The Cubans got the message. “There is, of course, little or no real independence left Cuba under the Platt Amendment,” Wood remarked to McKinley’s successor, Theodore Roosevelt, in October 1901, soon after the Platt Amendment was incorporated into the Cuban Constitution. “The more sensible Cubans realize this and feel that the only consistent thing now is to seek annexation.”

But with Platt in place, who needed annexation? Over the next two decades, the United States repeatedly dispatched Marines based at Guantánamo to protect its interests in Cuba and block land redistribution. Between 1900 and 1920, some 44,000 Americans flocked to Cuba, boosting capital investment on the island to just over $1 billion from roughly $80 million and prompting one journalist to remark that “little by little, the whole island is passing into the hands of American citizens.”

ウィリアム・マッキンリー大統領は、キューバの軍事司令官としてレナード・ウッド将軍を派遣し、のちにプラット修正として知られる条文を送り込んだ。このうち2つがとくに悪質で、ひとつはキューバの政治に米国が介入することを正当化し、もう一つは海軍基地用地の貸借や売買を保証するものだった。キューバ憲法会議の代表委員であったJuan Gualberto Gómez氏は、この修正はキューバ人を「隷属させる」と言った。まるでキューバ危機を予見するかのように、キューバ国内の外国軍基地によって「我々に責任のないことで紛争に巻き込まれる」と語った。しかし、ウッド将軍はキューバ人には拒否できないといった。修正の代替は永続的な占領である、と。キューバ憲法にプラット修正が組み込まれた後の1901年1月、ウッド将軍は後任のセオドア・ルーズベルト大統領に「プラット修正の下では、キューバ人にほとんど独立などありません。常識的なキューバ人なら併合を求めるしかないと理解できるでしょう」と語った。しかし、プラット修正が発動しているのに、併合など必要だろうか?その後20年間、米国はキューバでの権益保護と土地の分配阻止のために、繰り返し海兵隊を送り込んだ。そして20年で4万4千人の米国人が押し寄せ、投資額は1兆ドルから80兆ドルまで増加し、あるジャーナリストは「少しづつ、島全体がアメリカ人のものになりつつある」といった。