
なんか、米国上院がイランへの制裁決議を可決したそうな。US Senate passes sanctions on Iran central bank - BBC Newsただ、原油価格の高騰につながるからオバマ大統領は慎重姿勢らしい。

President Barack Obama has been cautious about harsher sanctions, fearing such a move could disrupt the oil markets at a time of economic uncertainty for many Americans, and alienate potential allies.

US officials have also warned that depriving global markets of Iranian exports could send oil prices sharply higher, gifting Tehran a funding boost.

1999年のJoy Gordon教授の論考だけど、古さを感じないのでちょっとご紹介。ECONOMIC SANCTIONS

It is hard to make sense of the claim that "collateral damage" can be justified in the name of protecting human rights; or that international law might be enforced by means that stand in violation of international laws, including the just war principle of discrimination. Thus, if sanctions are analogous to siege warfare, then they are problematic for the same reasons -- both effectively violate the principle of discrimination. But if sanctions are not analogous to siege, then sanctions are even more problematic. If the goals of sanctions are the enforcement of humanitarian standards or compliance with legal and ethical norms, then extensive and predictable harm to civilians cannot even be justified by reference to survival or military advantage. Insofar as this is the case, sanctions are simply a device of cruelty garbed in self-righteousness.
