Q2. Could you explain the details of the present “Draft Revision”?

Why do we need to revise our Constitution NOW? - おこじょの日記の続き
The present Draft was revised in order to develop a Constitution which is worthy of our country. The stiff wordings due to the translation and the articles based on inborn human rights have been fully revised. Furthermore, we added the rules regarding the head of state, national flag and anthem, naming of the era, official acts of the emperor in the Chapter about the Emperor. The right to self-defense was added in the National Security chapter, together with the founding of the “National Defense Force”, and the duty of defending the national territory was also added. In the rights and duties of the citizens, we added the protection of the national environment, security of overseas citizens, protection of crime victims, and maintenance of the educational environment. On the other hand, we have not made big changes to the Diet, Parliament, and the Justice System. We need more discussions regarding the governmental bodies. We considered changing to a single chamber Diet, but we decided to keep on discussing the pros and cons of the two-chamber system.
In the local government Chapter, we revised it so the local governments could cooperate. We added a new chapter on emergency, so that in cases of mass disaster, the government can issue a state of emergency and the prime minister can exert power according to the law. Citizens are required to obey the orders of the government. Constitutional revision has been changed so that two-thirds of Diet members’ approval is unnecessary, and only more than half is mandatory.
The Headquarters of the Constitutional Revision have held intense discussions and opinions from various fields of experts have been heard since December 4, 2009. After numerous intense discussions, we presented this Draft on April 27, 2012.


Question and answers from the LDP

Q1.Why do we need a new constitution now? For what purpose has the Liberal Democratic Party (Jiminto) presented their “Draft Revision of the Japanese Constitution”?

Our LDP has focused on the issue of drafting an independent constitution since our foundation. To free ourselves from the occupation of the allied forces, and to achieve our sovereignty, we have published various proposals for revising the Constitution.
The present Constitution was first drafted when Japan was under occupation of the allied forces, and enacted upon their consent. We think that the free will of the Japanese people was not reflected then, because Japan’s sovereignty was limited at that time. For example, the Article 9 may be considered as the denial of self-defense, and there are also many problems. Our party has founded the Constitution Research Assembly in 2000, implemented the National Constitution Revision Poll Act in 2007, and played a leading role in efforts to revise the Constitution.
We have proposed a “Draft of a New Constitution” in 2005. But we have further gone over and brushed up the Draft to keep up with renewed discussion for revision, as the National Constitution Revision Poll Act has been enacted, and the Review Committee for Constitutional Revision has been established in both houses of the Diet. This Act enables to revise the Constitution if more than two-thirds of approval from Diet members in both houses is achieved.
Many countries around the world have revised their Constitution according to the changing society. Major countries such as the United States, France, Italy, and Germany have revised 6, 27, 15, and 58 times, respectively. However, Japan has not revised its Constitution even once since the Second World War. Our Party platform of 2010 states that “We aim to develop a new Constitution to present the world a true Japanese state, and to contribute to the international society”. Other countries revise their constitutions if they don’t apply to the current status of society.



リー・クワン・ユー前首相の息子にして、在任9年目に入ったリー首相がブルーンバーグの単独インタビューに答えてるんだけど、うらやましいくらい中身のある話をしてるぞ。Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Lee, in his ninth year as prime minister, plans to unveil a package of measures in January aimed at boosting the fertility rate from 1.2 per woman. At stake is maintaining the achievements of an economy transformed by the embrace of free trade, fostering of higher-value manufacturing and nurturing of businesses and services such as gambling and health care.

“You have to be able to institutionalize what we have achieved,” Lee said of the most important tasks for the country after its development under the leadership of former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, his father


More than four decades after independence, women in Southeast Asia’s only advanced economy are barely producing enough children to replace one parent. Policy makers have tried and failed to reverse the declining trend since 1987, and handouts of as much as S$18,000 ($14,700) per child, extended maternity leave and tax breaks have done little to sway Singaporeans to have more babies.

The government will debate its population policy in Parliament in January, Lee said in the interview. Areas being considered include priority housing for couples with young kids, paternity or shared parental leave, the defraying of childhood medical expenses, better pre-school and improved cash benefits for having children, Lee said in August.


Turning to foreign policy, Lee said negotiations on maritime disputes between Southeast Asian nations and China should be between countries that are claiming the waters. The Philippines and Vietnam, fellow members with Singapore of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, have seen tensions escalate in the past year with China over areas of the South China Sea that may hold energy reserves.

Asean members have disagreed over whether to pursue talks on the dispute in multilateral gatherings, such as the East Asia Summit earlier this month attended by U.S. President Barack Obama. The Obama administration has elevated the role of Asia in American foreign policy, in a so-called pivot toward the region.

Lee said the U.S.’s focus on Asia should be “sustained over a long period of time, rather than spasmodically.”

“I think it needs to be done across the board and in a benign but powerful approach, rather than in a belligerent fashion,” he said.



エルサレムポストは、どーゆー料簡でこんなとんでもない意見を載せたのであろうか?トンデモの奥は深すぎて、深淵が見えないよ。A decisive conclusion is necessary - Opinion - Jerusalem Post

Why do our citizens have to live with rocket fire from Gaza while we fight with our hands tied? Why are the citizens of Gaza immune? If the Syrians were to open fire on our towns, would we not attack Damascus? If the Cubans were to fire at Miami, wouldn’t Havana suffer the consequences? That’s what’s called “deterrence” – if you shoot at me, I’ll shoot at you. There is no justification for the State of Gaza being able to shoot at our towns with impunity. We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too.

There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they’d really call for a ceasefire.

Were this to happen, the images from Gaza might be unpleasant – but victory would be swift, and the lives of our soldiers and civilians spared.




ども、歴史修正主義者の「表現の自由」を最大限擁護する国、日本が国連人権理事会の理事国に決まりましたよ。日本 国連人権理事会の理事国に NHKニュース 日本 国連人権理事会の理事国に NHKニュース


まずは足元からでしょ?フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙に駐英大使が尖閣問題でもめたのは中国が悪いみたいな意見を書いたんだけど、Subscribe to read | Financial Times、もう日本は過去を完璧清算してると言い張ってる上に、ワタス的には最後の辺のこの書き方がこっぱずかしかった:



これに対して、九州大のEdward Vickers先生からのレターが載ってたよ。Subscribe to read | Financial Times




ちなみに、ワタスの4年前の記事:2008-11-07 - おこじょの日記
BBCの北米エディターのマーデル氏の記事が興味深かった。A battle for America's soul - BBC News

Taking a brief holiday travelling down the coast through Virginia, North and South Carolina, discovering the delights of BBQ and the easy languid grace of the south, it was a shock to switch on the TV in hotel room after hotel room to find pictures of over-heated town hall meetings, with people denouncing Mr Obama as though he were a war criminal, not hope made flesh.

It was a reminder that the idea he had an overwhelming mandate was conjured by the enthusiasm of the world and supporters at home. There are two Americas and only one voted for him.

A lot of time in my first two years was spent trying to understand what lay behind the anger that I had seen on TV. They are the ones who revitalised their party and made it possible for Mitt Romney to be so close to the White House.



The two men do see two visions - two different mirages of a future America, shimmering hazily on the horizon. But the trouble is there really are two Americas existing now. And the gulf between them is getting wider.

Increasingly, what you believe reflects who you are. The alliance of city dwellers and better-off liberals, Hispanics, blacks, many younger people and significantly more women may or may not win this time - but they are the Democratic core.

They largely agree with both Mr Obama and Bruce Springsteen's bitter, brilliant anthem that America should "take care of its own" and that a government of the people should not be despised by the people.

But the change Obama is offering would make the US more like the rest of the West, even as Europe's future looks dim.




自分でわざわざ選んでみてるだけなんだけどね。この秋は、「CODE BREAKER」「K」「絶園のテンペスト」「PSYCHO-PASS」見てるんだけど、だんだん頭の中でごっちゃになっちゃうんだよね。「PSYCHO-PASS」以外は、全部能力者とか魔法とかなんだもんで。「中二病でも恋したい」は2話まで見たんだけど、普通を気どってる男主人公に、痛い感じのかわいい女の子たちが絡むっていう設定に、はっきり言って食傷気味なんでやめた。現実にはいないような女子キャラって、もう一通り出尽くした感がある。もはや、料理の下手の女子っていうのもテンプレと化しているからダメ。妹ももうコリゴリ。暴力振るう娘も珍しくないし。無口キャラも飽きた。一周回って、浅倉南でも出せ!って思うよ。
ところで、CODE BREAKERの桜ちゃんですが、毎度大量殺人の現場を目撃しながら、よくまあ毎日学校に行けるものだ。お弁当も食べてるみたいだし、ありえねー。