
世の中には、若者を「軍隊に入れればしゃんとする」や「武道で鍛えればしゃんとする」といった神話があるようですが、マジ神話だったぜ。ちなみに、武道で鍛えれば派は今女子柔道パワハラ問題でかーなーり分が悪い。そいで、退役者・従軍者14000人の調査を紹介するよ:No wonder our ex-soldiers are looking for a fight | Barbara Ellen | Opinion | The Guardian

Links were found between active combat and post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol abuse and depression. While overall the armed forces are less likely than civilians to offend, they are three times more likely to be convicted of violent offences; 20% of younger males (under 30) have been convicted of violence compared with 6.7% of civilians. Those who served in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan were 53% more likely to offend violently than those not on the frontline. Those with multiple experiences of combat had a 70%-80% greater risk of being convicted for acts of violence.

They were also more likely to offend before they joined up, which again made it more likely for them to be selected for combat. The report says: "Infantry units have traditionally promoted aggression as a desirable trait and such units frequently recruit individuals who are socially disadvantaged and are likely to have low educational attainment." So, let's get this straight: disadvantaged, poorly educated, young guys, who got into fights or, worse, before joining up are more likely to be sent into combat and are then more likely to be both traumatised and criminalised by their experiences. Isn't this just a modern take on "cannon fodder"?




ワタスも思わずブクマしたのですが、「ハーグ条約」加盟で国際結婚はどうなる? 弁護士に聞いてみた (弁護士ドットコム) - Yahoo!ニュース 「ハーグ条約」加盟で国際結婚はどうなる? 弁護士に聞いてみた (弁護士ドットコム) - Yahoo!ニュースこの記事なんつうかひどいですよね。





「日本の民法上、親権については『子の福祉』という観点から考えられてきました。ハーグ条約は、子の福祉を一応うたってはいますが、子の引きはがしという事 態や、その後の面会交流の困難さを考えると、子の福祉よりも、『親の子に対する権利』を主眼としたものと言わざるをえません」

こちらに国際結婚破たん後の親権問題を扱っている米国人弁護士のJeremy D. Morley氏の論説があるんですが、条約の精神についての解説が大変参考になりましたよ。http://www.iaml.org/cms_media/files/the_hague_abduction_convention_and_human_rights_a_critique_of_the_neulinger_case_revised.pdf?static=1

The central tenet of the Hague Convention has always been that, while any custody determination must be based on an analysis of the child’s best interests, that issue should be decided by the courts of the country in the habitual residence from which the child was taken and not by the courts of the country to which a child was wrongfully removed or in which the child was wrongfully retained. The Hague Convention is a jurisdiction-selection treaty; a case brought pursuant to it does not determine the custody of the child but merely determines where that determination shall be made.
The reasons for the Convention are well known. The best way to deter international child abduction is to ensure that international child abduction is not rewarded. In particular, forum shopping in such cases should be discouraged. The best solution is to return abducted children promptly to their habitual residence whose courts are the most appropriate to determine the best interests of children.
Undoubtedly the Hague Convention adopted a “greater good” premise, meaning that it is intended to discourage international child abduction in general even if in any specific case it might perhaps be best for that particular child not to be returned. However, the drafters of the Convention recognized that a balance must be struck between the interest of children in general not to be wrongfully taken from their habitual residence and the need to protect individual children in specific, extreme and unusual cases. For this reason, while the Convention contains certain exceptions to the rule requiring a child’s prompt return to the habitual residence, they are carefully delineated, they are to be narrowly interpreted and even if they are established the courts nonetheless retain a discretion to order the child’s return.
States adopted the Convention because they agreed with this philosophy and they expected that their treaty partners would adhere to it. When the United States was considering whether to adopt the Hague Convention, the U.S. State Department explained to Congress that, “The Convention is premised upon the notion that the child should be promptly restored to his or her country of habitual residence so that a court there can examine the merits of the custody dispute and award custody in the child's best interests.” It specifically explained that the grave risk exception “was not intended to be used by defendants as a vehicle to litigate (or relitigate) the child's best interests.”




こっちの記事を思わず読んだらキモ過ぎた。<サンデー時評>居所不明の小中学生千人と「親」 (サンデー毎日) - Yahoo!ニュース <サンデー時評>居所不明の小中学生千人と「親」 (サンデー毎日) - Yahoo!ニュース

例が適当でないかもしれないが、以前から気になっていた。観光地をのぞいても、食べもの屋に入っても、列車に乗っても、とにかく女性グループが目立つ。みんなで渡れば、でもあるまいが、女性同士で楽しむ情景を見るたびに、 「子供はどうしているのかな」と思ってしまう。私が小中学生のころ、帰宅すれば必ず母親がいた。どの家庭でもそうだった。



日本と英国はこんなに離れているのに、なんでその心性は似てるんでしょうかね?しかも、寄りにもよって保守党の法務大臣が言ってるんですよ。Conservatives 'could plan to change human rights law' - BBC News

In an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live, Mr Grayling alluded to the possibility of scrapping the Human Rights Act - which the Lib Dems are committed to defending - saying: "Well, self-evidently, if we are going to create a new legal framework we are not going to be able to keep the framework we've got at the moment.

"We've got a lot of work to do on the detail - [to] look at exactly how we best do that, how we deliver change."

Commenting on the Convention itself, the cabinet minister said: "If anyone sits down and reads it as a document they would struggle to find a word they disagreed with. It is sensible balance of rights and responsibilities.

But, in the interview with the Pienaar's Politics programme, he added: "The decision-making in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has moved, I think, that Convention further and further away from the original intentions of its authors."

Asked to respond to critics who have claimed that being a signatory to the Convention is proof that Britain is a modern, compassionate society, Mr Grayling said: "I was a human rights campaigner. I chaired the Amnesty International Group when I was at university."

He stressed his view that human rights were "about some of the appalling things happening around the world - people being brutalised for their political views, people being put in jail".

BBCのラジオ5ライブのインタビューでグレイリング氏は、連立与党の自由民主党が守ろうとしている人権法廃止の可能性をほのめかした。「新しい法体系を作るのなら、現在の枠組みを守れないのは明らかだ。細かい点で、どうやって最適な形で変化をもたらすかについて、まだまだ作業が必要だ。」ヨーロッパ人権憲章について大臣は、「文書として読んだときは反対する箇所を見つけるのが困難なくらいだ。権利と義務のバランスが取れている。」しかし、Pienaar's Politics という番組のインタビューでは、「ヨーロッパ人権法廷の判断は、憲章の当初の意図からどんどんかけ離れたものになっている」と付け加えた。憲章に調印していることこそが、英国が近代的で思いやりのある国である証拠であるとの批判があることに、答えてほしいと求められたグレイリング氏は、「私は人権活動家だった。大学にいたときはアムネスティ・インターナショナルの議長を務めた」と発言した。人権とは、「世界中で起きているような、政治的意見で迫害されたり、投獄されたりなどのぞっとするような事件」についてのことだと、持論を強調した。




こっちで気にしていた(安倍首相の訪米、心配っすね - おこじょの日記)安倍首相の訪米ですが、「冷たくされた」という印象しかないですね。オバマ大統領なかなかドSだな。ホワイトハウスの共同宣言の内容のないことったら。

Joint Statement by the United States and Japan
The two Governments confirm that should Japan participate in the TPP negotiations, all goods would be subject to negotiation, and Japan would join others in achieving a comprehensive, high-standard agreement, as described in the Outlines of the TPP Agreement announced by TPP Leaders on November 12, 2011.

Recognizing that both countries have bilateral trade sensitivities, such as certain agricultural products for Japan and certain manufactured products for the United States, the two Governments confirm that, as the final outcome will be determined during the negotiations, it is not required to make a prior commitment to unilaterally eliminate all tariffs upon joining the TPP negotiations.

The two Governments will continue their bilateral consultations with respect to Japan’s possible interest in joining the TPP. While progress has been made in these consultations, more work remains to be done, including addressing outstanding concerns with respect to the automotive and insurance sectors, addressing other non-tariff measures, and completing work regarding meeting the high TPP standards.




先日イタリアの政治家がムッソリーニ擁護発言をしましたが(ベルルスコーニ氏の失言@イタリア - おこじょの日記)、今度はドイツで残念な政治家がいましたよ。German voters 'won't accept' Asian politician - The Local

Comments by an FDP politician suggesting his party's dismal approval ratings may be linked to party leader Phillip Rösler's ethnic Vietnamese background have kick started yet another debate about underlying racism in German society.

“In the case of Phillip Rösler I'd like to know whether our society has come far enough to accept an Asian-looking vice chancellor for much longer,” deputy state premier of Hesse Jörg-Uwe Hahn, told the Frankfurter Neue Presse on Thursday.

Immediately his comment was jumped upon by members of the opposition Social Democrats (SDP) and Green party and decried as racist. Rösler, who was born in 1973 in Khanh Hung, Vietnam, and was adopted by German parents, is the first German cabinet minister to have a completely foreign ethnic background.

“It's scandalous,” head of the SPD fraction Frank-Walter Steinmeier told ZDF television and added he expected Hahn to step down in light of his comments about his party leader.

Hahn, who is known in the party for inelegant formulations and unfortunate remarks, said he had been misunderstood. He had been taken for a racist, but had actually been referring to “widespread, often underlying racism” in German society, explained Hahn in a written statement on Thursday afternoon.

ドイツ連邦自由党の政治家が、自党の低支持率をベトナム系であるフィリップ・レスラー党首の出自のせいにする発言をしたことで、ドイツ社会にはびこるレイシズムに関する議論が高まっている。「フィリップ・レスラーの件に関してだが、アジア系の外見をした副首相に我々の社会が受け入れられるようになったのか、知りたいものだ」とJörg-Uwe Hahn氏は木曜日(7日)にFrankfurter Neue Presse紙に答えた。即座に、彼の発言は野党社会民主党緑の党に取り上げられ、レイシストだと非難された。レスラー氏は1973年にベトナムのカンハン生まれで、ドイツ人の両親の養子となった。完全な外国生まれで内閣の大臣を務めるのは彼が初めてである。社会民主党党首Frank-Walter Steinmeier氏はテレビのインタビューに「とんでもないことだ」と答え、党首に対してこのような発言をしたからには辞職すべきだと付け加えた。党内で無粋な発言で知られるHahn氏は、誤解だと語った。書面で、レイシストだといわれているが、実際はドイツ社会における「隠されたレイシズムの広がり」について指摘したのだと木曜の午後に弁明した。


“At the election campaign stalls in the street I often hear: I would vote for you guys, but you have to get rid of the Chinese guy first,” said Becker. “The problem is everyday racism in Germany, that's what has to be addressed.”

Others agreed: “As an FDP member I often experience open or veiled racist comments with a view to Rösler," Patrick Kurth, general secretary of the FDP in Thuringia, told the Mitteldeutschen Zeitung on Friday.
"At the same time we can be proud of our country, in which it is possible that a victim of the Vietnam war can make it into high office,” he added.



日経新聞では(米、レーダー照射「確信」と明言 中国に「懸念」伝達 :日本経済新聞)、



QUESTION: Yeah. Since the radar lock-on issue occurred between the Chinese ship locking on its fire-controlled radar on the Japanese ship, the Chinese Government response has been that they – it is a part of a so-called propaganda war by Japan– that they did not do this, and that in fact their ship had its – was locked onto their Chinese ship. They also apparently released some elaborate evidence of this, which seems to be a forgery.

My question is: The Japanese Government has said this is completely inappropriate and is demanding an apology. What is the position of the U.S. on this?

MS. NULAND: Well, with regard to the incident, we were briefed by our Japanese allies on the incident and we’ve satisfied ourselves that it does appear to have happened. As you know, I said at the time that we have been quite clear about our concern with regard to this with our Chinese interlocutors.

QUESTION: Well, earlier, if I can follow up, earlier, Secretary Clinton issued a kind of a warning, saying that the Chinese side should do nothing to hamper or to undermine the Japanese administration of the Senkakus. Does this warning carry over now to the Secretary Kerry’s time in office?

MS. NULAND: It does indeed, and let me say it again: We urge all parties to avoid actions that could raise tensions or result in miscalculation that would undermine peace, security, and economic growth of this vital part of the world.

